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The Secours populaire français was established in 1945 by a group of activists engaged for
solidarity and against poverty and exclusion, on the motto “Tout ce qui est humain est nôtre”
(“Everything human is ours”). Today, the SPF is the biggest organization in France regarding the
number of volunteers (80 000): it acts on emergency and development projects in France by local
and autonomous Federations, and at the international level through partnerships with local
organizations. SPF’s main goal is to engage citizens in order to create a fraternal solidarity:
indeed, many volunteers knew SPF because they were helped by it, and the Copain du Monde
(Friends of the World) movement proposes to children to think about solidarity and
Considering itself as an organization Generator of solidarity, SPF is engaged in many various
projects on 5 campaigns during the year:
- Don’Actions (January to March): big tombola to finance the intern
operations of SPF and
insure solidarity projects as much as possible.
- Spring of global solidarity (March to May): organization of big traditional
French egg hunts
and others projects all around France to finance 206 projects of global solidarity
(emergency and development: 145 organizations partners in 60 countries).
- Holidays (June to August): organization of holidays (lonely persons,
families, seniors,
youth and children), “Journées des Oubliés des Vacances” – Days of Forgotten by Holidays
(Days with funny activities for helped persons in SPF) and Villages Copain du Monde in
France and abroad (camps for children from various countries around the world about
- Poverty – Insecurity (September and October): focused on solidarity to the
poorest living in
France during that moment of school start. Alimentary help, Rights access, prevention and
access to health care, help for accommodation, school escort, access to culture and sport…
- Green Santa Klaus (November and December): organization of events and gifts
distribution to
let everyone celebrate Christmas.
Phone: +33 1 44 78 21 00
Main area: Paris, France