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Association de Solidarité Populaire de Grèce

Popular Solidarity is an organization based in Athens since 2013 with more than 50 members and about 100 volunteers that form groups such as : parents group, artists, theatre company etc. The organization works with both public and private sector always targeting the respect of Human Rights.

Its purpose is:

  1. A daily struggle for peoples and everyone in matter of human rights, peace, liberty, democracy, prosperity and progress. Popular Solidarity acts without discrimination or prejudices regarding nationality, religion, philosophical or political opinions, age, disabilities or sexual orientation.
  2. The evolution of solidarity and the spread of ideas and practices of solidarity in the Greek society.
  3. The self-organization and involvement of beneficiaries themselves in actions organized by the association
  4. The training course and transmission of knowledge to members of the association so they participate to projects and actions
  5. The improvement of living conditions and reinsertion of sensitive social groups.

Their activities are various:

  1. In the education field: distribution
  2. In the cultural field
  3. In favour of children (summer camps, children rights)